Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When I'm 23

So, I may or may not have gotten older recently. No big deal. I still feel like I'm an awkward 16-year-old, trying hard to be liked by her peers and figuring out what to do with my life. (Actually, I don't think I was that concerned with that second point at that age just yet.)

Anyway, last year I created a list of things to do in the next year. And I opened up my list last month and was shocked by the things that I had listed (I think you may be too). So, in the past month, I've been trying to do what I can. Yeah...that didn't turn out so great.

So, here it is. My list. Don't judge me my silliness or stupidity...or laziness. I've got a lot of growing up to do.

23 Things to Do When I'm 23

  1. Run a 5K.
  2. Double my savings account
  3. Go on a date. Well, considering my previous yearly average was 0, I exceeded expectations by dating someone.
  4. Sing more. The car counts, right?
  5. Read one book per month. Rekindling a lost love is hard.
  6. Learn how to moonwalk. I should have done this one when I was dating a person who knows how to moonwalk.
  7. Finish my cross-stitch. Maybe next year?
  8. Establish (good) credit. Wells Fargo, you've rejected me again.
  9. Eat a King Kong Cone from Macey’s. I discovered this year that I don't really like ice cream.
  10. Go swimming twice (and the hot tub doesn’t count).  I kind of hate swimming, so this was good.
  11. Hike the Y again and watch the sun set.
  12. Add 23 recipes to my recipe cards. Hmm...I think I added seven. And then I got Pinterest, which is now my digital recipe book.
  13. Make a cake. Completed this on Sunday. And it is dang good. Bam! Now I just need people to help me eat it.
  14. Read the entire Book of Mormon. Well, there was this one time I tried to read it in five days. I didn't make it past day 2.
  15. Do more genealogy.  Pretty sure my ancestors hate me.
  16. Watch 23 new movies off of AFI’s Top 100 Movies of All Time. I watched three, bringing my total for the list to 40 (though there are some movies I need to watch again because I saw them as a child).
  17. Attend 2 concerts.  Lea Solanga was amazing.
  18. Re-establish communication with 5 friends. Eh...I did this halfway.
  19. Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  Another post to come about this.
  20. Complain less and do more. This has been terribly difficult these past four months.
  21. Tour Welfare Square and the Humanitarian Center. I think this is on here because I thought I'd be across the country by now, so I had to hit up all the Utah tourist things before I left.
  22. Find out what I want to do with my life. Still figuring that out. However, I know I don't want to be a magazine designer.
  23. Fit comfortably into those jeans again. (And that skirt. And shirt.) Score on all accounts.

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